Hello I’m Emily a potter and basketweaver from South London. I have a passion for sharing my skills with others.
It is my belief that no matter how old you are, creativity is an important form of expression, a tool to communicate. It’s something we all have within us but often shy away from or feel self conscious about. But it needn’t be this way!
To be expressive in any form is empowering and uplifting. And certainly in today’s busy world it’s important to find ways to switch off our brains and be in the moment.
The ability to use your hands and create something tangible that expresses a part of you or unleashes a hidden skill you didn’t know you had is so rewarding both for the maker and me the teacher. Whether that’s making a simple mark on a page, digging a nail into a soft piece of clay or weaving a form with a piece of willow, there is a way into the creative world for everyone and I enjoy being able to offer my workshops for all ages and abilities.